Microsoft 365 Integration

Bring the power and flexibility of Microsoft Office
directly into your Uffective environment.

  • Keep your key Microsoft 365 docs in one easily accessible location alongside other vital project information
  • Have 24/7 access to up-to-date documents
  • Work simultaneously on documents with your co-workers

A powerful partnership

At Uffective, we know working with multiple data sources is inefficient, messy and unproductive. That is why we aim to bring all the critical, decision making data you need into one place, enabling you to better make critical decisions for your business.

After a year of planning, we have closed a partnership with Microsoft and made a giant leap in collecting and boosting your data by launching a key new feature: You can now use your Microsoft 365 suite directly in Uffective.

This means that all of your Office docs, whether Word, Excel or PowerPoint can now be easily added to a context relevant environment, such as a project or OKR, in Uffective.

Key documents where you need them, when you need them

This saves you from having to crawl through shared cloud folders or, even worse, having key documents stuck on personal desktops. Your co-worker might be away from their desk, but you will always have the latest version of the file you need at your fingertips, regardless of your location or time zone.

It is easy to get lost under different versions or email threads. And trying to choose between example_final.docx or example_ final_final.docx can get complicated and messy. With this latest feature from Uffective, you don’t have to.

Easy collaboration

After uploading a Microsoft 365 document, you can now edit this document in Uffective by clicking on the pencil icon. Multiple users can edit at the same time. Check out our video for more details.

One simple login

There is no reason to log into Sharepoint or other Cloud services. All the Office docs which are relevant to your projects or OKRs are right there, up to date and easily visible alongside your other key project information. All you need to get started is a Microsoft 365 account with a live subscription.

Edit all of your documents collaboratively, simply and easily. It is the best way to edit your Office docs when and where you need them.

Even More To Explore

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