Taming the Wild IT Beast – Uffetive’s first customer

Successful Implementation of IT Portfolio Management at Unitymedia: A Retrospective with Markus Kuckertz

In our latest podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Markus Kuckertz, an expert in IT portfolio management. Markus shares his experiences from his time at Unitymedia, where he played a key role in implementing a professional IT portfolio management solution.

Ten years ago, during a period of rapid growth, Unitymedia faced the challenge of taming a “wild IT beast” and bringing transparency to their IT investments, all while efficiently managing numerous projects. Markus explains how they managed to create a stable data foundation using Uffective, which also helped cut through the “IT jungle” and improve collaboration within the company.

The open structure of the tool was a crucial success factor. It allowed users to independently access relevant data and integrate it into their daily work, leading to higher acceptance of the tool and significantly accelerating project implementation. The podcast provides fascinating insights into the challenges and successes of implementing such systems in large companies.

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